SIODFA Reports

SIODFA produces a variety of documents that have differing levels of circulation. Please contact the Executive Secretary to request reports.

Press Releases

SIODFA & IUCN 2006.  Fishing Companies Announce World’s First Voluntary Closures to High-seas deepwater trawling.  Marine species protected in Eleven Deep-sea Areas of the Indian Ocean.  2pp.
深海ザメの写真撮影法(種の査定のため)2020.   ショットン・ クラーキン・ 仲谷一宏. 2pp.
SIODFA & IUCN 2006.  Fishing companies announce world’s first voluntary CLOSURE TO high-seas  deepwater trawling.  Questions & Answers About The Deep Seas And Benthic Protected Areas.  6pp.

SIODFA Meeting Reports

Anon.  2006.  Report of the Ad Hoc Meeting on Potential Management Initiatives of Deepwater Fisheries Operators in the Southern Indian Ocean .  Kameeldrift, South Africa, 22 – 25 May 2006 and Albion, Petite Rivière, Mauritius, 26 – 28 April 2006.[1]
SIODFA 2007.  Report of the Meeting of the Southern Indian Ocean Deepsea Fishers Association (SIODFA) Cape Town 22 – 24 January 2007.  33pp.
SIODFA 2007.  Report of the Meeting of the Southern Indian Ocean Deepsea Fishers Association.  31 October 2007.  Old Woolstore Hotel, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.  33pp.
SIODFA 2008.  Report of the Southern Indian Ocean Deepwater Fishers’ Association (SIODFA), February 2 -3, 2008.  St Anselmo Monastry, Aventino and Food & Agriculture Organization.  Rome, Italy.  23pp.
SIODFA 2008.  Report of the Meeting of the Southern Indian Ocean Deepsea Fishers Association.  Saturday 30 August 2008.  San Pio Hotel, Rome, Italy.  34pp.
SIODFA 2009. Report of the Meeting of the Southern Indian Ocean Deepsea Fishers Association, 24-25 March 2009. Ministry of Marine Resources, Avarua, Cook Islands.  35pp.
SIODFA 2010.  Report of the XthMeeting of the Southern Indian Ocean Deepsea Fishers Association.  24 – 26 May 2010.  Hotel Labourdonnais, Port Louis, Mauritius.  31pp.
SIODFA 2010.  Report.  Joint IIndSkippers’ Workshop of the Southern Indian Ocean Deepsea Fishers Association & Maritime Cook Islands, Rarotonga, Cook Islands.  Thursday, 22 – 23 September 2010.  Trailways Hotel, Nelson, New Zealand.  19pp.
SIODFA 2011.  Report of the XIth Meeting of the Southern Indian Ocean Deepsea Fishers Association, 23 – 24 August 2011.  La Plantation Hotel, Balaclava, Mauritius.  44pp.
SIODFA 2012.  Report of the XIIth General Meeting of the Southern Indian Ocean Deepsea Fishers Association, Clark’s Quay, Singapore.  2 – 3 April 2012.  29pp.
SIODFA 2013.  Report of the XIIIth General Meeting of the Southern Indian Ocean Deepsea Fishers Association.  14 – 15 May 2013, Hotel La Plantation, Balaclava, Mauritius.  35pp.
SIODFA 2013.  Report of the XIVth Special Meeting of the Southern Indian Ocean Deepsea Fishers Association.  Melbourne, Australia.  42pp.
SIODFA 2014.  Report of the XVth General Meeting of the Southern Indian Ocean Deepsea Fishers Association.  Port Louis, Mauritius.  33pp.
SIODFA 2015.  Report of the XVIth Special Meeting of the Southern Indian Ocean Deepsea Fishers Association.  Flic en Flac, Mauritius.  11pp.
SIODFA 2016.  Report of the XVIIth General Meeting of the Southern Indian Ocean Deepsea Fishers Association.  Avarua, Rarotonga, Cook Islands.  46pp.
SIODFA 2017.  Report of the XVIIIth General Meeting of the Southern Indian Ocean Deepsea Fishers Association.  Tokyo, Japan.  23pp.
SIOFA 2018.  Report of the XIX General Meeting of the Southern Indian Ocean Deepsea Fishers Association.  June 2018.  Phuket, Thailand. 18pp.
SIODFA 2019.  Report of the Skippers’ Meeting.  Nelson, New Zealand.  November 2019.  21pp.

NB: Formal reports have not been prepared for SIOFA Video-Conference meetings.

Technical Papers

Shotton, R. & P. Clerkin 2020.  How to Photograph (Deep-sea) Sharks to Identify Species.  2pp. SIODFA & Virginia Institute of Marine Science.
Shotton, R., C. Heaphy, & W. Malherbe 2020.  Incidence of Zero-Catches by CKI-Flagged Vessels From Mid-Water Trawl Tows.  3pp.
Horn,P.L.,  I.J. Doonan & C. Ó Maolagáin 2019.  Age Distribution of Orange Roughy Harvested from the Sleeping Beauty Seamount, Southern Indian Ocean.  Tech. Pap 19/04.
SIODFA 2019.  Analysis of Bycatch by Cook Island Flagged Vessels Operating in the SIOFA Area, 2017-2019.  MoP6-INFO-01. 6pp.
SIODFA 2019.  Analysis of Bycatch of Benthos by Cook Island Flagged Vessels Operating in the SIOFA Area, 2012-2019.  SIODFA Tech Pap. 19/04.
Shotton, R. 2019.  Age Frequency and Recruitment – An Insight into Orange Roughy Recruitment Success in the Southern Indian Ocean.  19/03. 4pp.
Shotton, R. 2019. Risk Management in the Context of Setting Harvest Constraints on the SIOFA Fishery for Alfonsino.  Tech. 19/02.  7pp.
Shotton, R. 2019.  Thoughts on the Management of Alfonsino in the Southern Indian Ocean.  Tech. Pap. 19/01.  7pp.
SIODFA 2018.  3rd Meeting of the Southern Indian Ocean Fisheries Agreement (SIOFA) Scientific Committee 20-24 March 2017, Saint Denis, La Reunion Considerations on the purpose of BPAs in the SIOFA.  SC-03-INFO-04.  4pp.
SIODFA 2018. 18/02.  Treatment of Zero-catch Observations in CPUE Analysis of Tow Results.  4pp.  Also  SC-03-INFO-03.  8pp.
SIODFA 2018.  SIOFA, Resource Management of Alfonsino and Harvest Control Rules.  Tech. Pap 18/01.  7pp. Also SC-03-INFO-02.
SIODFA 2017.  SIOFDA Undertakes Collaboration With Two Marine Researchers. 2pp. SC -02-INFO -02.
SIODFA 2016.  First Things First.  The Urgent Need to Freeze the Number of Vessels Participating  in the Southern Indian Ocean Deepwater Trawl Fishery. Pol. Doc. 16/01. 7pp.
SIODFA 2016.  Realizing Possible Programmes of Relevance to Management of Deepwater Fisheries in the Southern Indian Ocean Using Funds of the GEF/FAO ABNJ Deep Seas Project (Sustainable Fisheries Management and Biodiversity Conservation of Deep Sea Living Resources) in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction.  Working Paper XVII 15/05. 3pp.
Arangio, R. 2016.  Funding Procedure for the Australian Sub-Antarctic Fishery Assessment Plans.  SIODFA Tech. Rep. XVII 16/04. 4pp.
SIODFA 2016.  Southern Indian Ocean Deepwater Fisheries Association (SIODFA) Benthic Protected Areas in the SIOFA Area.  Technical Report XVII 16/05. 42pp.  Also SIOFA SC-01-INFO -15.
SIODFA 2016. Bycatch of Corals, Sponges and Related Benthos An update of SIODFA Technical Report 07/01.  SIODFA Work. Pap. 15/01. Also SIOFA SC-01-INFO-11. 6pp.
SIODFA 2015.  Expression of Concern by SIODFA on the Failure of SIOFA II to adopt Conservation and Management Measures.  Meeting of the Parties, SIOFA II, Flic en Flac, Mauritius, 17 – 20 March 2015. Working Document 2015/XVI-03. 4pp.
Shotton, R. 2014.  Age and Size at Maturity of Alfonsino and Implications for their Management in the Southern Indian Ocean.  Work. Pap. 14/03.  8pp.  Also SIOFA SC-01-INFO-12.
Shotton, R. 2014.  Proposed Elements of a Fisheries Management Research Programme for Alfonsinon the Southern Indian Ocean Deepwater Fisheries.  Tech. Rep. 14/01.  5pp.
Shotton, R. 2014.  Age and Size at Maturity of Alfonsino and Implications for their Management in the Southern Indian Ocean.  SIODFA Tech. Rep. 14/02. 8pp.
Shotton, R. 2014.   Yield per Recruit Analysis of Alfonsino and Implications for their Management in the Southern Indian Ocean.  SIODFA Tech. Rep. 14/01.  16pp.  Also SC-01-INFO -10.
SIODFA 2013.  SIODFA Members’ Perceptions of Fisheries Policy, Management and Research Issues of Deepwater Fisheries in the Southern Indian Ocean to e Addressed and their Priorities.  SIODFA Technical Document 2013/02.  11pp.
SIODFA 2013.  Progressing Conservation and Management Measures for the Deepwater Fisheries of the Southern Indian Ocean: Views and Recommendations of the Southern Indian Ocean Deepsea Fishers Association.  October 2013. Tech.Rep.13/09.  6pp.
SIODFA 2013.  Origin of the SIODFA Benthic Protected Areas Programme and Information Relating to these Areas.  Southern Indian Ocean Fisheries Agreement 1stMeeting of Parties 18-19 October 2013, Melbourne, Australia.  SIODFA Technical Report 13/06.  24pp.
SIODFA 2013.  Review of the Role and Objectives of SIODFA.  SIODFA Tech. Rep. 13/08  5pp.
SIODFA 2013.  What to do about the Affects of Fishing on Coldwater Corals, Sponges and Similar Fragile Benthos.  Towards a SIODFA Conservation Position.  SIODFA Technical Document 2013/04.  3pp.
Shotton, R. 2013.  Implications of a Conservation Regulation Governing Minimum Landed Sizes of Alfonsino in the Southern Indian Ocean Deepwater Fisheries.  SIODFA Tech. Rep. 13/01.  6 pp.
SIODFA 2013.  Origin of the SIODFA Benthic Protected Areas Programme and Information Relating to these Areas.  SIODFA Technical Document 2013/06.  25pp.
SIODFA 2013.  SIODFA Members’ Perceptions of Fisheries Policy, Management and Research Issues of Deepwater Fisheries in the Southern Indian Ocean to be Addressed and their Priorities.  SIODFA Technical Document 2013/05.  11pp.
SIODFA 2011.  Analysis of Bycatch Reports of the F.V. Tomi Maru No. 58 for Fishing Operations in the Southern Indian Ocean, 2010 and  Data on Shark Bycatch Specimens Saved in Hokkaido University Museum.  Tech. Rep. 11/01.  4pp.
Shotton, R.  2009.  Marine Observers and the Implications of Observer-Related Policies in the Management of Deepwater Fisheries in the Southern Indian Ocean.  SIODFA Tech. Rep. 08/03  8pp.
SIODFA & FAO 2009.  Deep-sea Fisheries in the High Seas.  A trawl Industry Perspective on the International Guidelines for the Management of Deep-sea Fisheries in the High Seas.  FAO Fish. & Aquac. Circ. NO. 1036.  FIEP/C1036(En).  22pp.
McGibbon, D., G. Patchell, R. Shotton & P. Taylor 2008.  Conversion Factors for Determining Whole Weights from Processed Weights for Some Deepwater Fishes Caught in the Southern Indian Ocean.  SIODFA Tech. Rep. 08/05.  13pp. Also SC-01-INFO-14.
Shotton, R. 2008.  Characteristics of SIODFA Vessels Operating in the Southern Indian Ocean Deep-sea Trawl Fisheries.  SIODFA Tech. Rep. 08/04. 9pp.
Shotton, R. 2008.  The Concept of “State” and Characteristics of Nationality in the Southern Indian Ocean Deep-sea Trawl Fishery.    SIODFA Tech. Rep. 08/01.  8pp.
Shotton, R. & G. Patchell 2008.  The Proposed “5-Mile” Move-on-rule in Deep-sea Trawl Fisheries of the Southern Indian Ocean: A Review of the Management Approach and Basis for the Requirement.  SIODFA Tech. Rep. 08/02.  12pp.SIODFA 2008.  Frequency Composition of Orange Roughy Sampled on Board the F.V. Ocean Explorer, Southern Indian Ocean, July and August 2007.  SIODFA Working Paper 08/1.  8pp.  Also SC-01-INFO -13.
SIODFA 2007.  Analysis of Coral Bycatch by SIODFA Vessels in the Southern Indian Ocean, 2006- 2007.  Southern Indian Ocean Deepwater Fishers’ Association Tech. Rep. 07/01.  13 pp..  Also SIOFA SC01-INFO-26. 

Related Reports and Presentations

SIODFA Skippers’ Meeting, November 2019. Nelson, New Zealand
      Alfonsino Behaviour: the implications are important!
      Conservation of Alfonsino
      Minimum Fish Size and the Issue of Quotas for Alfonsino

Shotton, R. 2011.  Special Management Challenges of High-seas Deepwater Fisheries.  Southern Indian Ocean Deepsea Fishers Association.  April Special Issue – Industrias Pesqueras, Spain.

SIODFA 2010.  Application of An Ecosystem Approach to Management of a Deepwater High-seas Fishery in the Southern Indian Ocean.  World Summit on Fisheries Sustainability, Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs, Spain, FAO, Rome and Imperial College of London.  15 September 2009, Baiona, Spain.

Niklitschek, E & G. Patchell.  2008.  Preliminary Assessment of Orange Roughy in the Indian Sea from Industry Acoustics 2004-2006.  Universidad Austral de Chile and Sealord Group. Report CT 08-01.  15pp

Shotton, R. (Comp.) 2006.  Management of Demersal Fisheries Resources of the Southern Indian Ocean.   Report of the fourth and fifth Ad Hoc Meetings on Potential Management Initiatives of Deepwater  Fisheries Operators in the Southern Indian Ocean (Kameeldrift East, South Africa, 12 – 19 February 2006 and Albion, Petitie Revière, Mauritius 26-28 April 2006) including specification of benthic protected areas and a 2006 programme of fisheries research.  FAO Fish. Circ. 1020.  90pp.

Joint Reports

FAO 2008.   Deep-sea fisheries in the high seas: a trawl industry perspective on the International Guidelines for the Management of Deep-sea Fisheries in the High Seas. FAO Fish. & Aquac. Circ. No. 1036. Rome, FAO. 22pp.

SIODFA Presentations

May 2019.  The Southern Indian Ocean Deepsea Fishers Association.   ABNJ Deep Sea Meeting.  FAO, Rome, Italy.
April 2019.  An Industry Perspective on Property Rights of High Seas Fisheries.  ABNJ Deep Sea Project Rights Based anagement Workshop.  FAO, Rome, Italy.
March 2015.  FAO VME Processes workshop.  Industry Perceptions on VMEs and related Issues.  Swakopmund, Namibia.
September 2009.  Practical application of ecosystem approach to high seas trawling in the Southern Indian Ocean.  World Summit on Fisheries Sustainability, Baiona, Spain.

[1]This meeting followed an initial organizational meeting  in Hobart, Australia in October, 2005

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